Sabtu, 06 Juli 2013

Ingin Jadi Ironman ??


Helm Motor ini Miliki Sistem Navigasi Secanggih Pesawat Jet F35

Posted by: EBO in Teknologi

Sebuah tim bernama LiveMap sedang berusaha untuk membuat sebuah helm canggih untuk para pengendara motor. Nantinya helm ini akan menyuguhkan fitur seperti Maps, GPS, dan juga voice command.

Dilansir VR-Zone (17/6), helm ini nantinya akan memanfaatkan kaca visor helm untuk dijadikan sebagai tempat semua informasi yang akan ditampilkan.

Baju Besi Cair

Inilah salah satu penemuan terbaru dibidang militer oleh ilmuwan Inggris. Sebuah baju anti peluru yang disebut baju besi cair. Kementerian Pertahanan Inggris meyakini, jaket antipeluru yang dibuat dari materi rahasia itu lebih ringan, fleksibel dan melindungi tentara di medan perang. Selain itu, materi ini bisa mematahkan peluru.

Pakaian tersebut dinamakan baju besi cair karena dapat disesuaikan dengan tubuh. Teknologi ini, sebagaimana dikutip Daily Mail, dipamerkan di konferensi teknologi London, Inggris.

Jet Pack

Sebuah mesin roket untuk terbang, sekarang sudah dijual bebas.

Jet Packs Finally On Sale: How to Buy Your Rocket Belt
The good news: Not one, but two companies are selling jet packs. The bad news: The tech has a long way to go.

More than 60 mph TOP SPEED 70 mph
30 seconds FLIGHT TIME 33 seconds
$250,000 PRICE $155,000

To some extent, everyone's in the market for a jet pack. But since Bell Labs built the first rocket belt (the correct, if less exciting, name) in 1953, potential buyers have been stymied by two problems: Rocket belts aren't for sale, and even prototypes run on modern-day fuel (as opposed to whatever the Jetsons use) — which means rocket belts can weigh upwards of 100 pounds, with only enough fuel to stay aloft for under a minute. Now, a pair of companies have solved one of these problems — rocket belts are for sale.

Mexican start-up Tecnologia Aeroespacial Mexicana (TAM) offers its custom-built TAM Rocket Belt for $250,000, which includes flight and maintenance training. On a full tank of hydrogen peroxide the belt weighs 124 to 139 pounds (the bigger the pilot, the bigger the belt), and provides 30 seconds of flight. TAM's sole competitor is Jetpack InterĂ‚­national, a Colorado-based company that sells what it calls "the world's longest-flying jet pack." Technically speaking, it's true — the hydrogen-peroxide-burning Jet Pack H202 can stay in the air for 33 seconds, 3 seconds longer than TAM's model. The H202 weighs 139 pounds, and is competitively priced at $155,000, flight classes and all.

Jetpack International founder Troy Widgery is the first to point out the drawbacks of current short-flight rocket belts. "If something goes wrong, you can get killed," Widgery says. "Thirty-three seconds of fuel makes an inexperienced pilot twitchy." The solution? Ditch the rocket belt, and build a bona fide jet pack (okay, jet belt). Widgery plans to release the T73 Turbine by the end of the year; it's a $200,000 model that will burn jet fuel, allowing it to stay airborne for 19 minutes. Not to be outdone, TAM is working on a propane-burning jet belt, though it hasn't said when it will be available. While swapping inert hydrogen peroxide for propane or Jet-A fuel has obvious drawbacks, jet belts would be, for many, a childhood dream come true. "With 19 minutes you can take things slower," Widgery says. "You aren't spending the whole flight thinking about where to land." We'll take his word for it.

Read more: Jetpacks For Sale - Buy a Jet Pack - Popular Mechanics
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